sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

Irrawaddy dolphin:

The Irrawaddy dolphin is at "high risk of extinction" because there are only 85 copies of this species that inhabit the waters of the Mekong River (Cambodia), according to the latest report from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The population of this animal, known as "Orcaella brevirostris" by its scientific name, live along some 190 kilometers of the river between Kratie province, Cambodia and Khone Falls, near the border with Laos.

In this research we have used photographic records of the river, to identify individual copies each, easily recognizable by their unique dorsal fins.

Thanks to this system, some units have joined this population that previously had not been identified, so it has gone from 76 in 2009 to 85.

"Although the population of these dolphins is slightly higher than previous estimates, we have realized that it has not grown in recent years," said program director of WWF's freshwater, Lifeng Li.

This poor animal needs help :"(.I did not knew of this animal untill now! I guess he dose need alot of help!

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