domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

The Polar Bear:

Polar Bear, also called white bear, is the common name that receives the bear species inhabiting the Arctic ice and the Hudson and James bays, in Canada as well as on the east coast of Greenland.United States has decided to include the polar bear on its list of endangered animals. According to sources of the U.S., climate change is destroying their habitat in the Arctic Ocean and thus reducing the number of species on our planet rapidly.

Polar bears feed on fruits, plants, mussels and seaweed, but their favorite prey are seals, although occasionally some walruses and beluga capture.

United States has decided to include the polar bear on its list of endangered animals. According to sources of the U.S., climate change is destroying their habitat in the Arctic Ocean and thus reducing the number of species on our planet rapidly.

Scientists from the U.S. government think that in 50 years will die two-thirds of the current population of polar bears. This is about 25,000. A decision is expected in January, but the Interior Department said it needed more time to study proposals from members of Congress and environmentalists.

thats sad :( they are so cute but they are endangered :(:(

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